Controversy Surrounds Malimali’s Departure from Electoral Commission

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has stated that he has not yet received formal notification regarding Barbara Malimali’s resignation as chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC). This follows her announcement as the Commissioner of the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) on September 4.

Malimali’s appointment has sparked controversy due to her ongoing investigation by FICAC. Mr. Rabuka emphasized that the resignation must be communicated to the commission, as it was responsible for her initial appointment. He remarked, “We should be notified. As far as I’m concerned, as of now, the secretary of the commission has not notified the chair. I will wait for him to notify me.”

Malimali has confirmed her resignation from the EC but has not provided further details about the matter.

The Commission on Constitutional Review (COC) is an advisory body established under the 2013 Constitution, tasked with recommending candidates and advising the President on appointments to significant public positions. This includes roles such as the chairperson and members of the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission, Electoral Commission, Supervisor of Elections, Parliament Secretary-General, Public Service Commission, Commissioner of Police, Fiji Correction Services Commissioner, Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, Auditor-General, and Governor of the Reserve Bank of Fiji.

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