Controversial Appointment Raises Questions About Justice System Integrity

Opposition MP Premila Kumar has expressed serious concerns regarding the appointment of John Rabuku as the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions. She highlighted that Rabuku had been previously suspended from practice and fined for professional misconduct by the Independent Legal Services Commission.

Kumar emphasized that the situation is even more alarming given that the newly appointed Attorney General, who serves as the government’s chief legal adviser, has acknowledged this appointment. She pointed out that the appointment was not made by the Judicial Services Commission or the office of the Attorney General.

“This raises significant questions about the integrity and credibility of our justice system,” Kumar stated, noting that it reflects a disturbing trend in lowering the standards for the vetting process concerning past disciplinary records. She warned that such an appointment could jeopardize public trust in legal and prosecutorial processes.

Kumar questioned the thoroughness and transparency of the vetting process for this critical position, stating, “Appointing an individual with a tainted record sends the wrong message to the public—that ethical standards are no longer a priority in our legal institutions.”

She further posed several rhetorical questions about the implications of this appointment, including whether it was influenced by connections and loyalties, and if it was a favor from the Acting DPP, who was promoted by Rabuku during his tenure as the acting DPP.

Kumar argued that standards should be consistent, pointing out that anyone applying for a civil service job typically must undergo a rigorous process involving police clearance and character checks, which appears to have been overlooked in this case.

She concluded by stating that the appointment has significant implications for the future of the justice system and emphasized the necessity of a critical examination of such appointments to avoid eroding public confidence in the judiciary.

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