Controversial Appointment Raises Governance Questions in Fiji

The appointment of Barbara Malimali as Commissioner of the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) has sparked controversy among opposition members. Senior Opposition MP Jone Usamate expressed his concerns that the decision feels inappropriate, despite having no personal objections to Malimali as a candidate. He emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in such significant roles, suggesting that good governance principles are being overlooked.

Usamate raised questions about the appointment process, wondering whether the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) employed an independent team to vet candidates effectively. He pointed to Acting Chief Justice Salesi Temo’s remarks, noting that Malimali scored the highest in qualifications but questioned the overall decision-making.

Additionally, Usamate inquired whether the necessary due diligence was performed by the Office of the President regarding Malimali’s prior investigation, suggesting this should have led to a postponement of her appointment. He highlighted concerns about her resignation from the Electoral Commission and called for clarity on why formal charges against Biman Prasad were not pursued.

Usamate stressed the need for an independent investigation into these matters, potentially involving the Police, to uphold the integrity of governance in Fiji. He criticized perceptions of selective accountability within the government, questioning whether certain individuals are shielded from scrutiny. He concluded by reiterating that good governance should be the cornerstone of an effective administration.

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