Concerns Rise Over Troubling Appointment in Fiji’s Justice System

Opposition MP Premila Kumar has expressed significant concern regarding the appointment of John Rabuku as the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions. She highlighted that Rabuku was previously suspended from practice and fined for professional misconduct by the Independent Legal Services Commission, making his new role troubling.

Kumar pointed out that the newly appointed Attorney General, who acts as the chief legal adviser to the government, has approved this appointment, which did not come from the Judicial Services Commission or the Attorney General’s office.

“This raises serious questions about the integrity and credibility of our justice system,” Kumar stated. She emphasized that the situation indicates a lowering of standards in the vetting process that should assess individuals’ disciplinary records.

She warned that such an appointment could damage public trust in legal and prosecutorial practices, questioning whether the vetting for this crucial position was thorough and transparent. “Appointing an individual with a problematic history sends the wrong message to the public, suggesting that ethical standards are no longer prioritized within our legal institutions,” she added.

Kumar further questioned how the public can be expected to uphold the rule of law when those responsible for maintaining it have faltered. She raised suspicions regarding potential connections and loyalties behind the appointment, querying whether this was a favor returned by the Acting DPP, who was promoted by Rabuku when he resigned from the same position.

“Why should standards differ? Anyone applying for a civil service position must undergo stringent police clearance and character checks, yet this requirement appears to have been overlooked in this instance,” she criticized.

Kumar concluded that the appointment is crucial for the future of the justice system, and it requires careful scrutiny to prevent erosion of public confidence in this vital institution.

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