Concerns Raised Over Treatment of Fijian Workers in Australia

Minister for Employment Agni Deo Singh has stated that the claims circulating on social media about the alleged mistreatment of seasonal workers in Australia are under investigation.

A social media user, Ross Johnston, brought attention to the tragic circumstances surrounding the death of Christine Lewailagi, a seasonal worker in Australia. He mentioned visiting other workers who reported similar allegations of inhumane treatment.

In response, Mr. Singh expressed deep concern regarding the allegations related to employment conditions, stating that the Country Liaison Officer based in Victoria is addressing these issues. He affirmed that both the CLO and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) are verifying the claims with the employer and ensuring that the welfare of Fijian workers is protected and that they are treated respectfully.

Mr. Singh noted that Ms. Lewailagi left Fiji to work for Midfield Meat Group in Victoria in May 2022. On June 17, 2024, the Ministry received notification from DEWR about the incident, which mentioned that Ms. Lewailagi had been experiencing headaches a week prior and was hospitalized for evaluation. She was subsequently transferred to Austin Hospital in Melbourne, where she underwent two surgeries for a brain tumor. The report indicated that she was placed on life support and was unlikely to recover, a tragic situation.

Ms. Lewailagi passed away on June 19, 2024, and her body was repatriated to Fiji on July 6 for burial.

Mr. Singh mentioned that the Australian Workers Union (AWU) had expressed their commitment to ensuring that approved employers comply with minimum standards during a recent Labour Mobility Stakeholder Engagement Workshop held in Suva.

He concluded by stating that the Ministry of Employment will continue to enhance cooperation with its Australian counterparts, specifically with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and DEWR, to address ongoing issues under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) program.

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