Concern Grows Over Young Students Trading Explicit Content for Cash

A primary school student from a prominent school in Nadi has recently been identified as the youngest victim involved in trading nude images and videos for cash and other benefits. This alarming revelation was made by Alice Fong, the Ministry of Education Divisional Counsellor for the West, during a women’s conference held at the Gurukul Primary School in Saweni, Lautoka.

Ms. Fong spoke out to remind parents of their critical role in monitoring their children’s activities, especially as they are increasingly influenced by content on their mobile devices. She noted that the challenges parents face today have significantly increased compared to 10 to 20 years ago, citing her observations during school visits in the Western Division.

“The social media app Telegram has become a platform where young girls and boys share images and videos in exchange for various rewards, such as cash or mobile recharge cards,” Ms. Fong explained. “The youngest victim I’ve encountered was a primary school student offering herself in this manner. This situation required intervention from both the ministry and the police.”

She expressed concern about young girls leaving their homes for school and engaging in other activities, such as going on joy rides, instead of attending classes. Ms. Fong called for parents to remain vigilant and initiate conversations with their children about the dangers of such behaviors.

In response to these issues, Minister for Education Aseri Radrodro acknowledged the seriousness of the situation, highlighting the need for parents to take an active role in their children’s education and safety. He emphasized that it is not solely the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, but rather a collective obligation involving families and the community.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Sakeo Ganivatu also urged parents to recognize their responsibilities, particularly concerning the provision of mobile phones to their children. He stressed the importance of engaging with young individuals and spending quality time with them to foster proper behavior and development.

Overall, the situation underscores a growing concern among educators and law enforcement regarding the influence of social media and the responsibilities of parents in safeguarding their children.

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