For several years, students at Nailagobokala Primary School in Naitasiri have faced a dangerous trek to school after an old culvert on their access road was washed away. This situation forced the children to use bamboo rafts to cross the river, dealing with varying water levels that could reach ankle or knee height.
Concerned for their children’s safety, the villagers of Nadovu took action. Despite numerous requests for government assistance, Ratu Solomoni Naiqua, the school manager, reported that no help came from the authorities. “For the past five years, we’ve seen the daily dangers faced by our children as they cross the river to reach school,” Mr. Naiqua stated.
In light of the lack of official support, the villagers and the school committee initiated a fundraising drive to construct a new bridge. Their collective efforts highlighted the community’s commitment to providing safe access for their children. Over the last three months, the villagers and the Parents-Teachers Association successfully raised $9,000, leading to the building of a bridge that will secure the students’ daily journeys.
Mr. Naiqua expressed gratitude for the parents’ dedication, noting, “It demonstrates the remarkable impact a community can make with limited resources.” The newly constructed bridge was officially inaugurated last Friday.