Church Leadership in Crisis: A Call for Accountability and Integrity

The president of the Methodist Church of Fiji, Rev Dr Semisi Turagavou, has emphasized to ministers and dignitaries that church funds should not be used for personal gain. During a conference that criticized poor leadership and misuse of power within the church, Dr Turagavou noted that some ministers have not fulfilled their responsibilities and have misled their congregations through rash decisions.

He pointed out a noticeable decline in moral conduct and instances of misconduct within the church community. “How we manage and utilize church funds for individual benefit is becoming a significant issue today,” Dr Turagavou stated. He mentioned that followers of the church have recently voiced their complaints and expressed a lack of confidence in church leadership.

According to him, the once-silent members are now speaking out on pastoral and ethical matters. Dr Turagavou also highlighted concerns about excessive kava consumption and smoking by church leaders in front of their followers.

“Rather than guiding and uniting our congregations, we risk misleading and dividing them through our immoral and hasty choices,” he remarked. He acknowledged that church leaders have been criticized for making disparaging remarks that undermine the dedication of church members.

Dr Turagavou criticized the excessive use of authority given to church leaders, which has led to perceptions of them being poor leaders with negative attitudes and a lack of competence in addressing sensitive issues. This situation, he noted, has prompted some members to distance themselves from the Methodist Church due to inconsistent and unrealistic leadership styles.

He warned that the flawed behaviors and practices of church leaders ultimately tarnish the image of Christ. “It is essential that we work to retrieve, recapture, and restore Christ’s image before it becomes irreparable,” he urged. He expressed concern over the loss of faithful members to other denominations due to doctrinal conflicts and inadequate leadership.

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