Church Leaders Urged to Tackle Tough Social Issues

The general secretary of the Fiji Council of Churches, Reverend Simione Tugi, has urged churches to deliver the appropriate message in their sermons. In a conversation with local media, Mr. Tugi expressed concern that lay preachers and pastors are failing to address pressing social issues such as drug abuse.

He emphasized the importance of the church’s role in confronting these issues directly. “I must be truthful about this matter,” Mr. Tugi stated. “We are facing a social problem, yet our messages in church do not reflect that reality.”

Mr. Tugi called for churches to engage in more serious discussions concerning these matters. He pointed out that the silence of religious leaders contributes to the persistence of these social problems.

“We discuss various topics, but neglect the real issues at hand,” he said, highlighting the need to address matters like drug abuse and violence alongside spiritual teachings. He believes that church leaders should utilize their platforms to openly condemn social issues.

Referencing the Gospel of Luke, chapter verses 18 to 19, Mr. Tugi underscored the church’s mission to spread hope and liberation to those struggling with addiction. “There are many individuals who are captive to drugs, and when you are consumed by them, it obscures your view of the reality and consequences of such actions,” he explained.

He concluded by stating that those who are blinded by such issues require a message of hope and guidance to help them see the truth.

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