Church Leaders Urged to Tackle Social Issues Head-On

Reverend Simione Tugi, the general secretary of the Fiji Council of Churches, has urged churches to focus on delivering the appropriate messages when addressing pressing social issues, such as drug abuse. In a conversation with a local newspaper, Tugi criticized lay preachers and pastors for not adequately addressing these problems.

He emphasized that churches have a significant role to play and should actively condemn issues like drug addiction. “I must be honest about this,” Tugi remarked. “We face a social issue, yet the messages preached in our churches often veer away from reality.”

Tugi called for churches to engage in more serious discussions around these topics. He noted that many societal sins persist because religious leaders are silent on critical issues. “While discussions revolve around heaven, the Holy Spirit, and signs of the times, we must not overlook pressing matters such as drugs and violence,” he stated.

He referenced the Gospel of Luke, emphasizing the church’s duty to reach out to those struggling with addiction. “People caught in drug abuse are like captives, and those who are blinded by addiction fail to see its true impact,” Tugi explained. “They require the good news to help them recognize their circumstances.”

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