Church Leaders Urged to Tackle Drug Crisis from Pulpit

Reverend Simione Tugi, the general secretary of the Fiji Council of Churches, has urged churches to deliver a more relevant message in their sermons. In an interview, Tugi expressed concern that lay preachers and pastors are failing to address pressing social issues, including drug abuse.

He emphasized that churches have a responsibility to take a stand against these problems. “We have a social issue in front of us, and what we are preaching in church is something else,” Tugi stated, stressing the need for frank discussions about real issues affecting the community.

According to Tugi, the continued silence from church leaders allows these societal problems to persist. He noted, “We are talking about heaven, the Holy Spirit, and the signs of time. What about drugs, violence, and other social issues?”

He urged church leaders to leverage their influence from the pulpit to directly condemn these pervasive issues. Tugi referenced a passage from the Gospel of Luke, asserting that it is their duty to share the good news with those who are suffering, comparing individuals struggling with addiction to captives who need to be set free.

He concluded that many in the community are blinded to the harsh realities and consequences of drug use, stating that they require guidance and hope through effective preaching.

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