“Church Leaders Under Fire: The Battle Over Funds and Morality”

The Rev Dr Semisi Turagavou, president of the Methodist Church of Fiji, has emphasized that church funds should not be used for personal gain. Speaking at a conference, Dr Turagavou criticized poor leadership and the misuse of power within the church, stating that some ministers have failed to fulfill their responsibilities and have misled their congregations through hasty decisions.

He pointed out a troubling decline in moral standards and instances of misconduct within the church community. “The handling and usage of church finances for personal benefit is becoming a significant issue,” Dr Turagavou remarked. He noted that church members have begun to voice their dissatisfaction and lack of confidence in their leaders at a personal level.

Unlike previous decades, where church members remained largely silent, many are now speaking out on moral and pastoral matters. Dr Turagavou urged that church leadership has faced criticism for partaking in excessive kava drinking and smoking in front of their congregants.

“We’ve allowed ourselves to mislead and divide our congregations through immoral and impulsive decisions instead of shepherding them,” he stated, adding that unkind words from leaders have undermined the dedication and efforts of church members. He acknowledged that the leadership has often misused their authority, leading to being labeled as incompetent and ineffective in addressing sensitive issues within the church.

According to Dr Turagavou, this has driven some members to abandon the Methodist faith due to poor and erratic leadership. He lamented that the true image of Christ has become distorted due to these challenges and urged for a restoration of that image before it is too late. He expressed concern about faithful members leaving for other denominations due to doctrinal disagreements and ineffective leadership.

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