“Church Leaders Under Fire: A Call for Ethical Stewardship”

The president of the Methodist Church of Fiji, Rev. Dr. Semisi Turagavou, has emphasized that church funds should not be used for individual gain. In a speech addressing issues of poor leadership and power abuse within the church’s ranks, Dr. Turagavou noted that some ministers have not fulfilled their responsibilities and have misled congregations with hasty decisions.

He pointed out a noticeable decline in moral conduct among church members, citing instances of malpractice within the church community. “The management of church funds for personal benefit is increasingly becoming a pressing concern,” Dr. Turagavou stated.

He mentioned that church members have recently voiced their dissatisfaction and lack of confidence in the church’s leadership, contrasting this with the previously more reserved attitudes of followers.

Dr. Turagavou criticized church leaders for engaging in excessive kava consumption and smoking in front of their congregants, which he believes undermines their role as spiritual guides. He expressed concern that instead of uniting the congregation, leaders are driving them apart through unethical and hasty decision-making.

Moreover, he highlighted that leaders have been criticized for using harsh language that undermines the efforts and commitment of church members. He acknowledged that there has been overreach in the authority that leaders hold, leading to perceptions of incompetence and poor handling of sensitive matters.

As a result, some members have chosen to depart from the Methodist faith, disillusioned by inconsistent and impractical leadership approaches. Dr. Turagavou warned that such behavior tarnishes the image of Christ and urged the church to take prompt action to regain and restore this crucial representation.

He stressed the importance of retaining faithful members within the church, noting the risk of them turning to other denominations or faiths due to doctrinal differences and ineffective leadership.

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