Church Leader Convicted: A Shocking Betrayal Revealed

A former primary schoolteacher, who also served as a church leader, has been found guilty of raping his stepdaughter multiple times. The convictions include three counts of rape, along with one count each of sexual assault and indecent assault, all involving his then 13-year-old stepdaughter during the years 2017 and 2018.

The incidents occurred both at their home and in a vehicle. The victim’s younger sister informed their mother about inappropriate touching, but the mother was unaware of the extent of the accused’s actions. Despite the revelations, she initially forgave him and attempted to move past the situation, but the accused soon reverted to his harmful behavior.

In his defense, the accused claimed that his actions were intended to educate the victim about preventing pregnancy while still allowing her boyfriend to have sexual relations with her. Justice Rajasinghe, who presided over the case in the High Court in Suva, criticized this defense as “absurdly ridiculous,” emphasizing that there is no justification for a teacher to engage in sexual activities under the guise of education on prevention of unwanted pregnancies.

The judge expressed confidence in the credibility and reliability of the victim’s testimony, stating that the prosecution had proven its case beyond a reasonable doubt. Sentencing for the accused is scheduled for October 4.

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