Church Leader Calls for Urgent Action Amid National Crises

Amidst a deepening national crisis characterized by rising drug trafficking, teenage pregnancies, sexual offenses, and increasing rates of HIV/AIDS, a Methodist Church leader has spoken out about the church’s failure to take action.

Reverend Iliesa Koroi, who serves as the Evangelism Secretary for the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma, emphasized the church’s lack of engagement in addressing these pressing issues, calling for more decisive measures.

His remarks indicated that both the government and the community, known as the ‘vanua,’ are feeling overwhelmed in their attempts to tackle these challenges, largely due to the church’s inaction. “The Government and the vanua have exhausted themselves in trying to combat these social issues because we, the prophets, are not doing our job,” he stated.

Reverend Koroi criticized clergy members for their ineffectiveness, asserting that true transformation comes not from education, but from spiritual teachings. “People don’t change through education but through the word of God,” he noted, adding that the government and the community are weary because the leaders of faith are not fulfilling their responsibilities.

He pointed out the urgent need for the church to connect with young people who are facing issues related to HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, and the influence of pornography. “The police will get tired of uprooting and raiding drugs when these issues are not addressed from within themselves, and for this to happen, it needs God,” he said. “Only God can change Fiji.”

Additionally, Reverend Koroi criticized the deterioration of family unity and the decline of prayer practices, urging families to prioritize spending quality time together and praying.

In response to Minister for Women, Children, and Social Protection Lynda Tabuya’s suggestion to reinstate the death penalty for serious drug offenders, Reverend Koroi strongly opposed this stance. “She is a minister but can’t address the issue properly; instead, she proposes death. That is not the solution,” he commented. He argued for addressing the underlying causes of crime rather than resorting to extreme measures. “We must address the root of the problem, which is the desire within a person.”

Reverend Koroi also called for unity among religious leaders, encouraging all faith communities to join forces in tackling the country’s significant social challenges. “Let’s work together,” he proclaimed as he was re-elected to his position.

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