Church Funds Under Fire: A Call for Moral Leadership

The president of the Methodist Church of Fiji, Rev Dr Semisi Turagavou, has cautioned ministers and officials against the misuse of church funds for personal gain. In a critical speech addressing issues of poor leadership and abuse of authority within the church, Dr Turagavou remarked that some ministers have not fulfilled their responsibilities, often misleading congregations through hasty decision-making.

He noted a troubling decline in moral standards and instances of malpractice within the church community. “The management and use of church finances for personal advantage is becoming a significant concern,” he stated.

Dr Turagavou pointed out that church members have recently voiced their dissatisfaction and lack of confidence in the leadership. He observed that, unlike past decades when followers remained silent, many are now expressing their views on pastoral and ethical matters.

He criticized church leaders for their excessive kava consumption and smoking in front of congregants, suggesting that instead of guiding their flock, they are leading them astray with immoral and rash choices.

Additionally, he mentioned that the church leadership has received blame for spreading disunity through hurtful comments, which undermine the dedication and effort of church members. “We have misused the authority granted to us in our roles, and we are often labeled as ineffective leaders lacking the capability to manage delicate issues within our congregations,” he added.

As a result of these challenges, some affiliated members are stepping away from the Methodist Church due to unstable and impractical leadership practices. Dr Turagavou emphasized that the behavior and leadership styles displayed are diminishing the representation of Christ.

He urged the need to restore the image of Christ before it is too late, expressing concern over the potential exodus of faithful members to other denominations because of doctrinal disagreements and poor leadership.

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