Church and Vanua: A Call for Separation?

The new president of the Methodist Church of Fiji, the Reverend Dr. Semisi Turagavou, emphasized the importance of a clear distinction between the church and the vanua during his opening remarks at the 2024 conference. He asserted that the church does not belong to the vanua and is not inherently part of it.

Dr. Turagavou described the church as a trinitarian community that exists within the context of the vanua, reaffirming that both institutions ultimately belong to God. He addressed the concern that ministers have often been blamed for fostering a negative relationship between the Lord and the vanua, noting that instead of promoting the gospel of love and unity, some have contributed to division and discord among the people.

He called for reconciliation with traditional leaders to avoid detrimental effects on the organization’s future. The president reminded ministers and dignitaries of their vital roles within the vanua and the necessity of upholding that responsibility.

Dr. Turagavou stated that the church was established not for the benefit of its ministers or dignitaries, but for the glorification of Jesus Christ. He expressed confidence that God’s spirit would revitalize the church and restore the true image of Christ.

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