Chaudhry’s Plea: Unravel the Truth Behind the 2000 Coup

Former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry, who was taken hostage during the civilian coup in 2000, has urged George Speight to reveal the truth regarding that tragic incident. In his statement, Chaudhry expressed that Speight’s recent release has caused widespread anxiety across the nation.

Chaudhry emphasized, “If George Speight genuinely feels remorse for the violence and destruction his reckless actions caused, he should at the very least disclose the truth about 2000.” He specifically highlighted the concerns of Indo-Fijians, who were predominantly targeted during the violence initiated by Speight and his supporters. Many innocent families in rural areas suffered trauma and were forced from their homes and farms, enduring months of terror and upheaval.

For more on this topic, readers can refer to tomorrow’s edition of the Fiji Times.

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