Chaudhry’s Bold Push for 2000 Coup Truth: Will Anyone Listen?

Former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry is calling for the truth surrounding the 2000 coup, an event that saw his government violently ousted. However, skepticism surrounds the possibility of obtaining this truth, especially from George Speight, the key figure behind the coup, who was recently released from prison after serving 24 years.

It is widely believed that the complete truth about the 2000 coup, as well as previous coups in 1987 and 2006, will not be disclosed. Many think that vested interests will work to keep these truths hidden, reinforcing a sense of pessimism regarding transparency in these historical events.

Chaudhry argues that the primary desire of those who suffered due to the actions of Speight and his followers is to prevent a recurrence of the traumatic political upheaval that afflicted their nation during that time.

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