Chaudhry Calls Out PM Over Controversial Appointment: A Governance Crisis?

Former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry has voiced strong opposition to Barbara Malimali’s appointment, urging Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka to intervene in the matter. Chaudhry criticized the Prime Minister for what he perceives as a failure to take action, alleging that Rabuka is hiding behind the Judicial Service Commission, which recommended Malimali for the Office of the President.

The leader of the Fiji Labour Party argued that Malimali’s appointment is particularly concerning given that she is currently under investigation for alleged abuse of office, which he claims undermines the rule of law and good governance principles. He suggested that the appointment might have been politically motivated to shield Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Professor Biman Prasad from potential charges related to false declarations made to the Registrar of Political Parties.

Chaudhry pointed out that seven other Cabinet ministers have also been referred to the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) for similar allegations, following the resignation of acting Deputy Commissioner Francis Puleiwai, and Malimali’s move from the Electoral Commission to FICAC’s leadership. He stated that these referrals came after an investigation confirmed breaches of the Political Parties Act.

Expressing concern over the impact of Malimali’s appointment on public trust, Chaudhry emphasized that the situation has alarmed the nation, unsettled the business community, and decreased investor confidence. He called on the Prime Minister to take decisive action to restore faith in his government, warning that inaction could reinforce perceptions of self-interest and a lack of integrity within the administration.

Chaudhry further questioned Malimali’s intentions as she announced plans to review the files of senior political figures, suggesting that this raises questions about the motives behind her appointment. He also criticized her silence regarding her own investigation and warned that any attempts to obstruct or manipulate the inquiries would only worsen the already tense environment.

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