Chaudhry Calls for Concurrent Review of Constitution and Truth Commission

Former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry has stated that the review of the Constitution and the establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) should proceed simultaneously, arguing that delaying one for the other would waste valuable time. His comments followed a discussion in Parliament where two Opposition Members addressed the ongoing debate about the constitutional review.

Viliame Naupoto suggested that the establishment of the TRC be put on hold until the Constitution is reviewed. In response, Inia Seruiratu insisted that the TRC should take precedence to help the public understand the individuals involved in the coups.

Chaudhry questioned the need for a delay, asking, “Should we waste valuable time getting embroiled in this academic argument or should we get going by pursuing both the tasks simultaneously?” He pointed out that the call for a TRC initially arose from citizens after the first coup in 1987, with renewed demands following the coup in 2000.

He emphasized that both events were racially motivated coups that severely damaged race relations in Fiji and hindered the nation’s progress. The lingering effects are evident in the widespread poverty, unemployment, and homelessness affecting many citizens.

Chaudhry asserted that the TRC should be prioritized and not delayed under the rationale that it can wait until after the constitutional review. He warned that further delays in addressing race relations could erode public confidence in the country’s future.

He also noted that constitutional recognition is essential for the TRC to function effectively, calling for a legal framework that allows it to be established and operate concurrently with the constitutional review. He urged that time is of the essence, particularly as the government aims to complete these tasks before the next elections.

Chaudhry concluded by stating that Prime Minister Rabuka must prioritize these critical issues; otherwise, the consequences could be detrimental to the nation and its people.

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