Chaos at Natovi Jetty: 40 Passengers Left Stranded for Over 15 Hours

Approximately 40 individuals were left stranded at Natovi Jetty for over 15 hours without any communication from Interlink Shipping Line, the company responsible for the scheduled departure to Vanua Levu at 10 PM on Thursday, August 29.

Passenger Bimlesh Naidu expressed his frustration, recounting that he and his family waited in their car from 9 PM on Thursday until the following afternoon without receiving any updates from the company. “About 30 or 40 people were waiting from Thursday evening. My family and I had to stay in the car all night until this afternoon and haven’t been given any notice or update from Interlink,” Mr. Naidu stated.

He noted that he had used Interlink’s services multiple times in the past and had faith in their reliability. However, he remarked, “But from today, I personally have lost all hope in them.”

Interlink Shipping Line posted a notice on their Facebook page around 8 PM on Thursday, informing customers of a minor delay for their vessel coming from Nabouwalu and indicated that services would resume two hours later. Despite inquiries sent to the shipping company, no responses have been provided.

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