Championing Accountability: A-G’s New Initiative

The Accountability and Transparency Commission is set to enhance the accountability of public officials, ensuring fair treatment of citizens, according to Attorney General Graham Leung.

In his inaugural speech in Parliament this week, Attorney General Leung emphasized the importance and urgency of establishing the commission. He committed to advocating for the necessary legislative measures to bring the commission into existence.

“This represents a significant step towards fostering good governance, curbing corruption, and building public trust,” stated Leung.

“The commission will introduce greater accountability within the government, ensuring public officials are answerable, which in turn will lead to fairer treatment of the populace. When citizens understand how decisions are made and how funds are allocated and spent, their confidence in government and democratic institutions will be bolstered.”

Leung added, “Upon its establishment, the commission will contribute to good governance, aligning with Fiji’s National Development Plan and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.”

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