Illustration of Chaudhary shines at cadet parade

Celebrating Success: Natabua High School’s Cadet Parade Triumph

After weeks of rigorous training, Natabua High School hosted its cadet passing-out parade on Friday.

Deputy head girl and second in command, Nidhi Chaudhary, demonstrated her resilience by marching closely behind Parade Commander and head boy, Josefata Naisili. She played a key role in leading 1,276 cadets through various drills and formations.

The school’s cadet training program has been praised for producing well-rounded students by integrating academic excellence with leadership training and physical fitness, equipping them with skills for future success.

“We were out there for six or seven hours a day, and the sun showed no mercy, but we pushed through. Overall, it was very emotional towards the end because the experience was both physically and mentally exhausting. At the same time, it feels great to have accomplished it,” Chaudhary said.

She expressed gratitude to her family and classmates for their encouragement.

Saleshni Chaudhary, Nidhi’s mother, watched with pride as her daughter marched during the parade.

“It was an emotional moment, but I’m so proud that she achieved the role of second in command. It was a proud moment for us as parents to see her complete her final march before she moves on to tertiary education. Watching her lead and hold that position really highlighted her character,” Ms Chaudhary said.

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