Celebrating History: A 1961 Double Celebration in Daku

In 1961, over 1,500 individuals, including men, women, and children from various regions of Fiji, gathered in Daku, a village located near the Wanibokasi River, to celebrate the inauguration of a new village school in the morning, followed by a wedding ceremony in the afternoon.

According to a report from The Fiji Times dated September 15, 1961, the school was constructed without any government funding and took just 12 days to complete. The structure was built using a combination of timber and concrete, with local carpenters responsible for the entire construction process.

The wedding was held for Ratu Ponipate Baleinanene (Roko Takala), the son of the late paramount chief of Daku, Ratu Lote Daulakeba, and Adi Rewa Saurara, the daughter of Meleti Saurara and niece of Emosi Saurara. The ceremony took place in the village hall and was officiated by Rev Maika Tora.

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