
  • From Tourism to Triumph: Meli’s Transformative Journey in Horticulture

    Discover how Meli Rokotakala transformed his passion for flowers into a thriving event decoration business during the pandemic. Join him on his journey of self-discovery, community empowerment, and the importance of following one’s dreams. What’s the secret to his success? Find out how he turned challenges into opportunities and inspired others along the way.

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  • Reviving Faith: The Methodist Church’s Bold Vision for the Future

    A powerful movement is underway within the Methodist Church in Fiji, as leaders rally to restore faith and reinvigorate community ties. With children pouring into churches and a focus on transforming lives, what’s driving this revival? Discover the mission to reclaim the lost image of Christ and how the church plans to tackle pressing social…

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  • Empowering Tomorrow: Nadi Students Graduate as Community Leaders

    A new generation of leaders has emerged from Nadi, as 47 students complete an empowering leadership training program designed to equip them for future roles in their communities. With insights from law enforcement, these young individuals are urged to foster positive change and resist negative influences. What path will they choose? Discover the impact of…

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  • Sailing Against the Wind: A Journey of Unity and Resilience

    A remarkable journey has brought the ‘Uto ni Yalo’ crew to Tonga just in time for a major regional summit. What makes this voyage special? Discover the inspiring story of Iva Vunikura, a trailblazing sail master, and the unique challenges faced during their week at sea. Don’t miss the celebration of maritime heritage and female…

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  • US Bolsters Pacific Climate Efforts with New Funding

    A significant boost is on the horizon for climate resilience in the Pacific, with the US pledging an additional $20 million to the Pacific Resilience Facility. Find out how this funding, alongside other initiatives, aims to transform disaster preparedness and promote sustainable practices in the region. Discover the collaborative efforts and ambitious goals shaping the…

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  • From Tourism to Blossoming Business: Meli’s Inspiring Journey

    Discover the inspiring journey of Meli Rokotakala, who transformed a passion for flowers into a flourishing business amid the challenges of the pandemic. Journey with him as he navigates entrepreneurship, creativity, and the importance of following one’s true calling. What motivates him to pursue this path, and how is he inspiring others to find their…

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  • Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders: Nadi Students Graduate from Blue Light Training

    Forty-seven students in Nadi have just graduated from an inspiring leadership training program aimed at empowering them to become change-makers in their communities. As they embark on this new journey, learn how their experiences may reshape their futures and the lives of those around them. What challenges await these young leaders on their paths to…

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  • Fiji’s Silent Crisis: Can Compassion Heal the Drug Epidemic?

    Fiji faces a silent crisis as illicit drug use grips its society, with calls for extreme measures like the death penalty raising questions about justice and rehabilitation. International human rights lawyer Sabrina Khan-Sharma urges a compassionate approach, linking the drug epidemic to deeper societal vulnerabilities. As debates heat up, what path will the nation choose?…

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  • Empowering Future Leaders: 47 Students Graduate from Blue Light Program

    Forty-seven students from Nadi have just completed an empowering leadership training program aimed at transforming their communities. With teachings designed to combat youth crime and foster positive relations between the police and young people, these graduates are set to make a significant impact. What vital lessons did they learn, and how will they shape the…

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  • Fiji’s Silent Crisis: Can Compassion Break the Drug Cycle?

    Fiji is facing an overlooked drug crisis that extends beyond mere substance abuse. International lawyer Sabrina Khan-Sharma sheds light on the human vulnerabilities driving this issue, questioning the effectiveness of proposed harsh penalties versus the need for rehabilitation. Dive into the complexities of this pressing problem and explore a compassionate approach to fostering change in…

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  • Minister’s Controversial Comments Ignite Cabinet Tensions

    Tensions rise in the Fijian government as Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka dodges questions regarding potential disciplinary actions against Minister for Women, Lynda Tabuya. Her controversial stance on reintroducing the death penalty has sparked debate, but will there be consequences for her defiance? Discover the unfolding drama within the Cabinet and what it means for Fiji’s…

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  • Tradition Under Fire: Kerosene Drums vs Cooking Pots in Savatu Villages

    In the Savatu district of Ba, a cultural clash unfolds as villages weigh the preservation of tradition against the embrace of modernity. The shift from kerosene drums to cooking pots during the ceremonial solevu is stirring passionate debates within the community. Will this change redefine their identity, or is it a necessary evolution? Dive into…

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  • Empowering Youth: 47 Students Graduate as Community Leaders in Nadi

    A transformative journey for 47 young leaders has just begun in Nadi! After completing a two-day leadership training program, these students are equipped to inspire and uplift their communities. Discover how they plan to tackle challenges faced by their peers and embrace positive change. What steps will they take as catalysts for progress? Click to…

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  • US Boosts Climate Resilience in the Pacific with New Funding

    The United States is ramping up its commitment to climate resilience in the Pacific, with a new $20 million allocation to support the Pacific Resilience Facility. Learn about the bold initiatives aimed at enhancing disaster preparedness and promoting climate-smart agriculture, as well as the broader implications for the region’s future. What does this mean for…

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  • Fiji’s Silent Crisis: Can Redemption Outweigh Punishment?

    A hidden crisis is brewing in Fiji, where the struggle against illicit drug use faces a complex web of vulnerability and exploitation. International human rights lawyer Sabrina Khan-Sharma argues for a compassionate approach that prioritizes rehabilitation over harsh penalties. Could a shift in perspective lead to redemption for those trapped in the cycle of addiction?…

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  • Fiji’s Truth Commission: Aiming for Fairness with Global Expertise

    The Fiji Truth and Reconciliation Commission is on the verge of a significant transformation as it prepares to appoint a neutral international chairperson. Amid public consultations, concerns over impartiality have arisen, sparking discussions about the ideal composition of the commission’s leadership. With a focus on building trust and fostering transparency, how will this commission address…

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  • New Sanctuary Opens for Women Cancer Survivors in Fiji

    A new chapter unfolds for women cancer survivors with the launch of the Self Care Retreat Hub in Nabua. This compassionate oasis promises a safe haven for healing, camaraderie, and empowerment. Discover how this initiative is transforming lives and fostering a community of support. What lies ahead for these brave women?

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  • New Lifeline for Yalobi: Upgraded Evacuation Centre Unveiled

    A new evacuation centre has been unveiled in Yalobi, Yasawa, promising safety and support for over 200 residents during disasters. With thoughtful design features for vulnerable individuals and plans for community empowerment, this facility represents a significant step towards resilience. Discover how this centre will transform the survival of locals amid natural challenges.

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  • Reviving Faith: Methodist Church’s Bold Vision for Renewal in Fiji

    The Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma is on the brink of a significant revival, with leaders calling for a restoration of its image and outreach. As discussions take shape around the theme of ‘Restoring the Lost Image of Christ,’ church officials emphasize a renewed commitment to inclusivity and community engagement. What challenges lie ahead,…

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  • Tradition vs. Modernity: A Cultural Crossroads in Savatu Villages

    Villages in the Savatu district of Ba are at a crossroads, grappling with the clash between age-old traditions and contemporary necessities. As the customary offering of kerosene drums gives way to cooking pots in some areas, the debate over cultural integrity intensifies. Will modern practicality override time-honored customs, or can both coexist? Join the discussion…

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