A passenger was transported to Labasa Hospital following a vehicle accident in Buca, Savusavu, last Sunday, where the car veered off the road and landed on a house. According to Superintendent of Police Eroni Soqosoqo, the driver and two passengers were initially taken to Savusavu Subdivisional Hospital shortly after the crash occurred in the early morning hours.
The driver and one passenger received treatment and were later discharged. However, one individual required further medical attention and was transferred to Labasa Hospital. Fortunately, there were no injuries reported from the occupants of the house.
Police officers promptly arrived on the scene to provide assistance to those involved in the accident.
This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of road safety and vigilance while driving. Community support and timely medical intervention highlight the resilience and preparedness of local services during emergencies.
In summary, while the accident caused concern, no fatalities occurred, and the timely response from medical professionals and police reflects the community’s commitment to ensuring safety and care for its members.
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