“Calls to Prioritize Rape Laws Over Drug Penalty Spark Controversy in Fiji”

Opposition MP Virendra Lal has criticized the comments made by Lynda Tabuya, the Minister for Women and Children and Social Protection, regarding the imposition of the death penalty for drug trafficking. Lal argues that stronger penalties should be directed towards crimes such as rape, rather than focusing solely on drug trafficking.

He acknowledged that drug traffickers contribute to the societal issues facing Fiji, but questioned why the emphasis is only on them when there are more severe crimes that warrant stricter punishments. As the Shadow Minister for Women, Lal stated he cannot support the Minister’s remarks, emphasizing that heinous crimes like rape, particularly child rape, require harsher consequences. He highlighted the lifelong emotional and mental trauma faced by survivors, who often see their attackers receive minimal sentences.

Lal expressed concern that rape victims are forced to live with the fear of encountering their assailants again after a short time in prison. He believes that statements from the Minister should address more profound issues instead of being reactionary to current events. He suggested that the Minister should review existing laws to ensure that those who commit severe offenses, such as rape, face life imprisonment and that adequate protection measures are in place for women and children in society.

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