Calls for Transparency: Who’s Really Behind the Mercy Commission?

Deputy Opposition Whip Ketan Lal has emphasized the significance of the transparency and independence of the Mercy Commission, as its decisions are crucial to ensuring justice and fairness in society. He raised pertinent questions regarding the composition of the Commission, asserting that it is essential for public awareness to identify the members of the Mercy Commission and understand their appointment process.

Lal also called into question the qualifications and criteria used to evaluate the suitability of these members for such a vital role. He further inquired about the extent of governmental influence on the commission, stating, “These questions are not trivial.” He expressed concerns that a lack of transparency in the appointment process, or undue political influence, could erode public trust and hinder the commission’s ability to operate impartially.

“It is essential for the public to know not only who is part of this Commission, but also how political actors might sway its decisions,” Lal stated. He warned that without clear answers, the integrity of the Commission, which should remain independent from government influence, might be compromised.

In response, the Prime Minister clarified that the recent decisions made by the Mercy Commission, including the pardons of George Speight and Shane Stevens, were conducted in accordance with due process and without outside interference. He remarked that these decisions are part of the nation’s efforts toward reconciliation and healing, emphasizing that Fiji’s path toward unity and progress necessitates a reflection on the past while collaborating to create a better future.

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