Calls for Transparency: Is the Mercy Commission Truly Independent?

Deputy Opposition Whip Ketan Lal emphasized the need for transparency and independence within the Mercy Commission, as its decisions significantly impact justice and fairness in society. He raised concerns about the Commission’s composition, urging the public to have clarity on who its members are and the process through which they are appointed.

Lal questioned the qualifications and criteria that determine the suitability of Commission members for such important roles. He expressed concern about the level of government influence over the Commission, stating, “These questions are not trivial.” He noted that a lack of transparency in the appointment process or excessive political influence could erode public trust and call into question the Commission’s ability to function impartially.

He stressed the importance of public awareness regarding the Commission’s membership and the potential impact of political actors on its decisions. “Without clear answers, we risk compromising the integrity of a body that must remain independent and free from government interference,” he warned.

In response, Prime Minister Rabuka affirmed that the Mercy Commission’s recent decisions, including the pardons of George Speight and Shane Stevens, adhered to due process without external interference. He described these decisions as integral to Fiji’s ongoing efforts toward reconciliation and healing, highlighting the importance of reflecting on the past to foster unity and growth for a better future.

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