Calls for a Fresh Look at Fiji’s Flawed Constitution

Adi Sivia Qoro, the president of Unity Fiji, has called for a comprehensive and sincere review of the 2013 Constitution. She expressed concerns regarding the constitution’s formation, highlighting how the original draft by Yash Ghai’s Constitution Commission was ignored by the preceding government, which then implemented its own version that became law in September 2013.

Adi Sivia indicated that the process was inherently flawed, as it lacked significant input from the Fijian population. She criticized the brief consultation period, stating it was insufficient to capture genuine public sentiment, which raises doubts about the constitution’s alignment with the people’s interests.

Additionally, she addressed the detrimental impact of past coups on Fiji’s democracy, social fabric, and economy, suggesting that these historical events have reversed the nation’s progress and that a flawed constitution cannot remedy the resulting damage.

“It brings into question the credibility of the nation’s democracy, the negative social implications we are currently experiencing, and the economic welfare of our people,” she explained. “More than anything, it sets the country back by many years in terms of its development.”

Regarding constitutional amendments, Adi Sivia noted that the amendment provisions make the Fijian Constitution one of the hardest to modify globally. “This has significant implications for the democratic rights of the people and their involvement in shaping their own Constitution. This should be a priority for citizens, to engage in open discussions and seek a way forward,” she added.

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