Calls for a Constitutional Revolution in Fiji

Adi Sivia Qoro, a consultant and president of Unity Fiji, has urged for a comprehensive and sincere review of the 2013 Constitution. Her primary concern is the process by which the Constitution was developed, highlighting that the original draft prepared by Yash Ghai’s Constitution Commission was disregarded by the previous government. Instead, they implemented their own version, which became law in September 2013.

Adi Sivia argues that this process was fundamentally flawed, lacking genuine input from the Fijian populace. She points out that the brief consultation phase failed to adequately capture public sentiment, raising doubts about whose interests the Constitution actually represents.

Additionally, she noted the detrimental impacts of Fiji’s previous coups, which have undermined the nation’s democracy, social fabric, and economy. Adi Sivia cautioned that these historical events have set the country back significantly, stating that a flawed constitution cannot address the damage done.

She remarked, “It brings into question the credibility of the nation’s democracy, the negative social implications we are currently witnessing, and the economic well-being of our people. More than anything, it sets the country back many years in terms of its development.”

Regarding constitutional amendments, she pointed out that the amendment provisions make the Fiji Constitution one of the most challenging in the world to revise. “Many have referenced this! It significantly impacts the democratic rights of the citizens and their ability to participate in shaping their own Constitution. This should now be an area for open discussion among citizens as they seek a way forward,” Adi Sivia emphasized.

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