Call for Reform: Is Online Safety Enough?

The Online Safety Commission’s capabilities have come under scrutiny, particularly regarding its inability to enforce penalties for technology-facilitated gender-based violence. According to the Ministry of Women, the commission lacks the authority to issue directives to platforms like Facebook or Telegram to take down harmful applications.

Minister for Women, Children, and Social Protection Lynda Tabuya expressed concerns, stating the commission effectively functions as a reporting entity for cyberbullying incidents, which are then forwarded to the Fiji Police Force’s Cybercrime Unit. This has raised alarms about the commission’s impact, emphasizing the need for a thorough review of the Online Safety Act to enable it to impose fines on telecommunications companies or compel social media page owners to remove harmful content.

Tabuya pointed out the outdated nature of the Telecommunications Act, which she argues prioritizes individual privacy over public safety. She noted that women are subjected to online attacks at a rate ten times higher than men, especially when they participate in elections.

The limitations of the Online Safety Commission raise significant concerns as the issue of online harassment continues to surge. Tabuya’s critique reveals an urgent need for legislative adjustments to enhance the commission’s abilities to combat gender-based violence in the digital sphere.

By reforming the Telecommunications Act and granting the commission stronger powers, there is potential to better safeguard individuals, particularly women and children, from online dangers.

Addressing the rising instances of cyberbullying necessitates collective action and ownership of these challenges. It requires a commitment to acknowledge wrongdoings and a willingness to be mindful of the impact of online interactions on others.

To foster a safer online environment, it is crucial to promote equality, respect, and a community spirit that champions leadership and accountability in tackling these issues.

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