Call for Constitutional Reform: Is Fiji’s Democracy at Stake?

The president of Unity Fiji, Adi Sivia Qoro, has called for a comprehensive and genuine review of the 2013 Constitution. She raised concerns regarding the process that led to the Constitution’s adoption, particularly highlighting that the original draft created by Yash Ghai’s Constitution Commission was disregarded by the previous government in favor of a different version, which became law in September 2013.

According to Adi Sivia, the process was fundamentally flawed, as it did not incorporate authentic input from the Fijian populace. She argued that the brief consultation period was insufficient for gathering genuine public opinion, casting doubt on whose interests the Constitution actually serves.

She also addressed the detrimental effects of Fiji’s past coups, which, according to her, have severely harmed the country’s democracy, social fabric, and economy. Adi Sivia warned that such tumultuous events have set the nation back significantly, asserting that a flawed constitution cannot rectify the damages done.

“It raises questions about the credibility of the nation’s democracy, the negative social effects we are currently witnessing, and the economic well-being of our people,” she stated. “More than anything, it sets the country back by many years in terms of its development.”

Additionally, she noted that the amendment provisions in the Constitution render it one of the most challenging constitutions to amend globally. “Many have pointed this out! This significantly impacts the democratic rights of the people and their involvement in shaping their own Constitution. It is crucial that these issues are openly discussed among citizens to find a way forward,” Adi Sivia emphasized.

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