Cakaudrove Crossings Set for Major Upgrades in 2024

Several crossings in the Cakaudrove province, which are in urgent need of improvement, are set to be part of rehabilitation efforts by the Government through the Fiji Roads Authority (FRA).

During a session in Parliament last Tuesday, Minister for Public Works Ro Filipe Tuisawau responded to a request from Opposition member Naisa Tuinaceva for an update on these initiatives, indicating that these access points may be included in FRA’s capital projects for 2024.

“We are very open to discussions regarding these crossings, especially emphasizing to FRA and my ministry the importance of addressing community concerns about crossings that affect school children, women, and the public, and finding solutions quickly,” Ro Filipe noted.

He highlighted the Viane crossing in the Navatu district as an example of a priority area.

“While we have not specifically allocated funds for it yet, we are considering it in our discussions with the ministry and FRA,” he said. “The crossing’s location near the coast makes it susceptible to high tides, which will also be a factor in our considerations.”

The minister also mentioned that the Nakawaga crossing in the Koroalau district would be moved to next year’s budget.

“This crossing is part of the larger Nukubuno to Navakuru Rural Roads Program, which will provide an alternative route connecting Labasa to Savusavu,” he added.

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