Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has announced plans for an upcoming expansion in the number of Ministers and Assistant Ministers within his government. In a recent social media update, he suggested that new members will take on some of the various portfolios he currently oversees. This move is intended to alleviate his workload as the administration prepares for the final two years of its term.
Currently, Mr. Rabuka manages several key portfolios, including Foreign Affairs, Environment and Climate Change, Civil Service and Public Enterprises, Information, Immigration, and Policing. He hinted that the Ministries of Public Works, Justice, and Health might additionally see the introduction of Assistant Ministers.
There’s speculation that individuals from the opposition’s Group of 9, who have supported Mr. Rabuka in Parliament, may be in line to receive these new Ministerial and Assistant Ministerial roles.
This cabinet reshuffle signals a proactive approach in governance, emphasizing teamwork and delegation for the benefit of the nation. As the government aims to consolidate its efforts during the remaining term, the inclusion of new members could bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the table.
Overall, this adjustment could enhance the effectiveness of the administration and foster a more robust and responsive government. It reflects a commitment to governance that prioritizes collaboration and adaptability in addressing the complex challenges faced by the country.
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