Butakoci: Art’s Bold Stand Against Human Trafficking

A theatrical play has recently been launched to raise awareness about a pressing issue faced by many countries: human trafficking. Titled Butakoci, the production uniquely explores this subject through a combination of song, dance, and storytelling.

Supported by the Fiji Government, USAID, and The Asia Foundation, Butakoci aims to spark conversations surrounding human trafficking, a reality affecting many in society, especially the youth. The lead consultant for the production, Talei Draunibaka, who has a rich background in the arts, described the performance as a vital tool for awareness.

Talei emphasized the importance of addressing human trafficking, pointing out that it has been a problem for over a century. She believes that using art to confront such a heavy topic presents a unique opportunity for collective societal engagement. Encouraging dialogue on this issue is crucial to combatting it and ensuring it becomes a part of national discussions.

With a past in storytelling, Talei is proud to see the arts sector utilized for such a significant cause. She highlights the need to revisit historical stories related to human trafficking, which can help break the longstanding culture of silence and inspire change.

The production benefited from the support and recognition of The Asia Foundation and USAID, which enabled the team to foster conversations through artistic expression. Talei shared her process of conducting interviews and research to create an authentic narrative that echoes true events of trafficking. Although the characters in Butakoci are fictional, they are rooted in real experiences.

Throughout the production, Talei faced the challenge of songwriting about such a serious issue. She felt a profound emotional weight while crafting songs, drawing from the victim’s perspective to convey the necessary message accurately. The recording phase was intense, with attention given to the nuances required to express the gravity of the subject matter effectively.

Butakoci features four original songs alongside a traditional folk song, integrating talents from a diverse artistic team. The University of the South Pacific and various dance groups also contributed to the performance.

Talei’s previous experience with a tribute to classic productions shed light on the significance of storytelling, which fueled her passion for Butakoci. She hopes this initiative will help bridge societal gaps and foster essential conversations around human trafficking, enhancing awareness and potentially spurring change.

As she reflects on the journey of creating Butakoci, Talei recognizes the sacrifices made for the greater good. She remains focused on the cause, underscoring the vulnerability of individuals in difficult situations. Ultimately, she hopes to use her artistry to leave a positive impact on the world.

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