Illustration of Electronic tickets

Buses Go Digital: Say Goodbye to Paper Receipts!

Fiji’s new electronic ticketing system has officially transitioned to a paperless model, eliminating the issuance of physical receipts for bus fare payments. Vodafone Fiji, the primary provider of this innovative system, confirmed that all tickets and receipts will now be stored in electronic format on passengers’ bus cards, aligning with legal requirements.

Passengers will be able to view the last four transactions stored on their cards, which detail critical information such as the date and time of travel, stages travelled, fare amounts, and the remaining balance on the card. Land Transport Authority (LTA) CEO Iramaia Rokosawa noted that this electronic verification replaces the traditional hard-copy receipts previously used as proof of payment. He reassured passengers that there will be no penalties for those without paper receipts during this transition.

To ensure a seamless adoption of this system, Rokosawa emphasized the collaborative efforts between Vodafone Fiji, bus operators, and the public. Staff members have been trained to use handheld devices for verifying electronic tickets, and passengers are encouraged to keep their bus cards handy for any necessary checks.

This move towards digitization marks a significant step in improving public transportation in Fiji. It not only enhances efficiency for both passengers and service providers but also reduces the environmental impact associated with printing physical tickets. Additionally, the new system aims to streamline operations and provide better support for users.

As the government continues to gather feedback from commuters and works with various stakeholders, there is optimism that this system will adapt to the needs of all passengers, ultimately resulting in a more user-friendly experience within the public transport sector.

In summary, while the transition to the electronic ticketing system represents a substantial change in fare management, it also demonstrates the government’s commitment to embracing technology in enhancing public transportation services, promising a more convenient and efficient travel experience for Fijians.


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