In 1971, Jonati Mavoa, the Minister for Social Services, embarked on a significant journey to inaugurate the Naitavuni District School in Naitasiri, a location that required a two-hour trip by an outboard-driven punt along the Waidina River. This remarkable event, as reported by The Fiji Times on March 30 of that year, showcased the determination of the local community, who constructed the school entirely on their own.
During the opening ceremony, Minister Mavoa commended the residents for their vision and hard work in establishing an educational institution despite the absence of external support. He emphasized the vital need for development in rural areas and praised the farsightedness of the villagers in building the school, which serves the communities of Delailasakau and Nasevou.
Previously, children from these villages had to travel up to 20 miles to attend distant schools, such as the Roman Catholic Mission School at Vanuakula and the Nasele District School. Understanding this challenge, Ratu Manueli Roseru of Nasevou stated that the local populace made a collective decision to build their own educational facility in 1970. Through various fundraising efforts, including contributions from their work and collections among villagers, they managed to gather sufficient funds to commence construction within three months.
Moreover, Millers Ltd stepped in to assist by providing materials worth $1,000 on credit. Villagers, led by Maikeli TK Ratu, contributed voluntary labor, illustrating a profound sense of community engagement and commitment to education.
This historical event resonates with current challenges faced by educational institutions in the region, such as the recent initiatives taken by the villages of Nadovu to improve access for their students at Nailagobokala Primary School. With their own struggles regarding unsafe journeys to school due to washed-out roads, the Nadovu community has likewise demonstrated resilience and collaboration in raising funds for infrastructure improvements.
Collectively, these stories highlight the ongoing importance of education in Fiji’s rural areas and showcase how communities can unite to create lasting change. The spirit of cooperation observed in both past and current efforts marks a hopeful vision for the future of education in Fiji.
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