Bridging the Language Gap: A Call for Connection in Fiji

Rajendra Prasad, an academic from the University of the South Pacific, has called on the Government to engage with citizens in a language they comprehend. During a recent public lecture at USP, he highlighted the misconception that English is universally understood across Fiji.

Mr. Prasad emphasized that many believe individuals prefer to express themselves solely in English. He recounted a discussion from a linguistics class, where the significance of indigenous languages was addressed, noting how inadequate translations can obscure essential meanings.

He asserted that for Fiji to initiate a genuine truth and reconciliation process, it is critical to connect with each individual in a language they understand. Given Fiji’s multiracial society, he pointed out that accurately translating key terms is vital, as it can influence people’s willingness to engage.

Mr. Prasad cautioned that the prevailing assumption that English is the only comprehensible language risks alienating segments of the population. He stressed that if the Government aims to reach grassroots communities effectively, it must be mindful of the language used in communication.

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