Bridging the Gap: Fiji’s Bold Plan to Tackle Poverty and Inequality

There is an urgent call to address the growing inequality and poverty, as over half of the population falls into this category. At the launch of the National Development Plan 2025-2029 and Vision 2050 at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica emphasized the necessity for all citizens to receive the support required to mitigate these issues.

Mr. Kamikamica stated, “I must confront these challenges with urgency.” He referred to a recent income survey conducted by the Asian Development Bank from 2019 to 2020, which revealed that approximately 29.9 percent of the population, amounting to 258,053 individuals, live below the poverty line of less than $86.10 per month, with an additional 200,000 people experiencing hardship.

He noted that these figures have likely escalated due to the impacts of COVID-19 and the rising cost of living over the past four years, driven by inflation. “This indicates a significant disparity affecting more than 52 percent of our population,” he added, pointing out that this conclusion is supported by the widely recognized Household and Income Survey.

Mr. Kamikamica stressed the challenge of rebuilding the nation and fostering unity when over half of the population faces daily struggles. He affirmed the government’s dedication to tackling these problems in both the short and medium terms and proposed a need for innovative approaches rather than traditional methods.

“Our national budget must be rapidly aligned to address the issues of inequality and worsening poverty.”

He also highlighted the improvements made in housing standards, economic sustainability, and access to education and healthcare, as well as enhancements to road infrastructure.

The National Development Plan 2025-2029 and Vision 2050 aims to empower the people of Fiji through unity. To achieve this vision, the NDP will implement a variety of policies and strategies based on three main pillars: economic resilience, people empowerment, and good governance. The ultimate objective of the NDP is to foster greater prosperity for the nation, decrease poverty levels, and enhance the social and economic welfare of its citizens.

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