Bridge to Nowhere: Villagers’ Frustration Grows Over Unfulfilled Promises

Nearly ten years have elapsed since the Naikavaki hanging bridge was irreparably damaged. Tui Bua Ratu Makutu Nagagavoka expressed his disappointment that a replacement for the bridge, deemed essential, remains unfulfilled. The bridge, which collapsed in 2015, was vital for connecting the village to necessary services and markets.

According to Ratu Makutu, villagers are now forced to take longer detours, significantly increasing their travel time. He noted that while the new government promised infrastructure development, the restoration of the hanging bridge has not been prioritized.

The previous government made several commitments to repair or replace the bridge, yet these assurances went unmet. During election campaigns, local candidates frequently addressed the bridge issue to gain community support. However, once in power, their attention shifted to other matters, leaving the bridge issue unresolved.

This lack of follow-through on promises has led to frustration among villagers, who feel their concerns have been consistently overlooked.

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