Breaking Barriers: The Journey of Fiji’s First Female Methodist Minister

Reverend Asinate Mataitoga, a newly-ordained minister of the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma, expresses her dedication to her calling, stating, “There’s nothing better than doing God’s work.” Hailing from Nukuni, Ono-i-Lau, she was ordained along with 11 other ministers and two deaconesses by the Church’s President, Reverend Semisi Turagavou.

Reverend Mataitoga reflects on her journey as a profound experience, likening it to a rollercoaster ride of faith. “Being a church minister is not for the weak, but for the brave to endure the toughest roads in spreading the word of God around the nation,” she asserted. Despite the ups and downs, she believes the journey is ultimately rewarding.

She acknowledges the numerous challenges she has faced along the way, which have strengthened her faith and commitment to her vocation. “Those challenges helped me in my three years of studies and three years of fieldwork,” she noted. “I’m pleased to hear God’s call. God is my strength and pillar, especially because of what we are facing today. I made the best decision of my life to be under God’s leadership.”

As a female church minister, Reverend Mataitoga also addresses the discrimination she encounters from male colleagues.

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