People | A farm girl for life

Breaking Barriers: A Sugarcane Farmer’s Journey to Empower Women

SALESHNI Devi, a 57-year-old sugarcane farmer and entrepreneur from Naboutini, Sabeto, is a remarkable example of resilience and determination in challenging traditional gender roles. Her journey began when her father entrusted her with the family’s farm, which has been in operation for 37 years. Inspired by the hard work of her father, who not only managed the sugarcane farm but also cultivated other crops, Ms. Devi learned the ropes of agriculture from a young age.

Understanding the need to diversify, she ventured into intercropping and opened a community shop. Additionally, she began producing and selling kumala fries and nuggets, a healthier alternative to imported potatoes, known for their low impact on blood sugar levels. Ms. Devi sources chilies from local farmers to make chili sauce, aiming to have her products available on market shelves soon.

Her business currently supplies kumala fries to local establishments like Cartmex Fiji and the Masala Twist Restaurant. Although she runs her operations manually for now, Ms. Devi hopes to invest in machinery to increase production efficiency in the future.

Despite encountering various challenges, Ms. Devi remains optimistic, stating, “I’m taking a risk fighting against those challenges; it’s never easy when women have to carve our own path to success.” She actively encourages other women to empower themselves and their communities, emphasizing the importance of resilience and self-empowerment in entrepreneurship.

Her story resonates with the experiences of other women entrepreneurs in Fiji, such as Olivia Cavuka and Sadha Lata Singh, who also have taken on significant roles in agriculture to support their families. Cavuka’s transition into farming after her husband’s passing, and Singh’s recent career shift from teaching to farming, both underscore the determination and grit of women in the agricultural sector.

In summary, Ms. Devi’s journey not only highlights her personal triumphs but also reflects a growing trend of women stepping up in traditionally male-dominated fields. Her story serves as an inspiration for aspiring female entrepreneurs, showcasing the power of perseverance and community support in overcoming obstacles.


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