Police Constable Sadamma from the Labasa Police Station has shared her inspiring journey of balancing her roles as a police officer, mother, and wife, emphasizing that women are more than capable of managing multiple responsibilities. Her remarks came during a ceremony honoring her and 37 other police personnel from the Northern Division with Long Service and Good Conduct medals. The event was officiated by Acting Commissioner of Police Juki Fong Chew at the Labasa Civic Centre.
With 20 years dedicated to the Fiji Police Force, Sadamma has worked at various stations, including Totogo in Suva and Lautoka. Reflecting on her experiences, she noted how challenging it was initially to navigate a predominantly male-dominated environment. However, she credited her family’s unwavering support and the understanding of her superiors for enabling her to succeed professionally. “It wasn’t easy at first, but with the support from my family, I was able to perform my role as a Police officer well,” she shared.
Currently, Sadamma is a member of the Sexual Offence Unit, focusing on sensitive cases involving children and women. She expressed fulfillment in her work, stating, “I chose to become a Policewoman because I wanted to help others, especially women and children.”
To inspire young women pursuing careers in law enforcement, Sadamma encouraged them to persist in their goals, stating, “Nothing comes easy in life; everyone must either work hard or smart to have a fulfilling career.” Her journey highlights the importance of resilience and determination, serving as a powerful message that women can excel in challenging professions.
The recognition of PC Sadamma underscores not only her individual accomplishments but also reflects the evolving role of women in law enforcement, symbolizing progress toward greater gender equality within the field. Her story sends a hopeful message to future generations, encouraging them to pursue their aspirations with confidence and determination.
In summary, PC Sadamma’s journey is not only a testimony to her dedication but also a beacon of hope and inspiration for women striving to balance multifaceted roles in their lives. It reinforces the idea that, with support and perseverance, success is achievable across various fields.
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