A violent altercation outside a nightclub in Suva on Sunday morning has ignited intense discussions on social media, with many users questioning who bears responsibility for the incident. The brawl reportedly involved intoxicated members of the Vusu Raiders Rugby League Club from Namatakula, Nadroga, who were allegedly assaulted by nightclub security personnel.
Following the confrontation, six players were taken to hospitals for treatment. Three players were admitted to the Sigatoka Hospital, while the remaining three were transferred to the Colonial War Memorial Hospital (CWMH). According to Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations Livai Driu, two players at CWMH are currently unconscious, while a third is reported to be in stable condition.
Akuila Masi, manager of the Vusu Raiders Rugby League Club, opted not to lodge a formal complaint, citing the ongoing police investigation. However, he criticized the nightclub bouncers’ response to the situation, describing their actions as unnecessary and excessive. “The way they handled the situation by smashing chairs on them and kicking one of them with a safety boot is uncalled for,” Masi stated, adding that he asks for privacy for the victims and their families during this time.
The incident could potentially complicate plans by the Suva Retailers Association to seek an extension of nightclub operating hours. Association president Jitesh Patel acknowledged the incident and expressed confidence in the police’s ability to carry out a thorough investigation. Although he was unaware of the brawl due to being in the Western Division at the time, Patel remains hopeful for a positive resolution.
This unfortunate incident highlights the need for improved safety measures in nightlife venues, aiming to protect patrons and staff alike, and underscores the importance of maintaining safe social environments during festivities. As investigations continue, the community looks forward to solutions that enhance public security and ensure a safer atmosphere for future celebrations.
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