Illustration of Family Endure Cold Nights in Makeshift Tent

Braving the Elements: A Family’s Journey of Resilience in Lautoka

Sera Kaitani Naivalini and her family are facing the challenges of cold nights in their makeshift home in Saru, Lautoka, having chosen self-sufficiency over staying with relatives after their home was destroyed by fire three weeks ago. Nine family members used to reside in their previous house before the tragic event.

Instead of accepting temporary housing from neighbors or kin, they opted to set up a tent as their new dwelling. Ms. Naivalini, who lives with her four children, parents, and two brothers, shared, “We built this temporary shelter while we wait for our house to be rebuilt. Despite the cold weather, we preferred to stay independent. We didn’t want to impose on others.”

At 30 years old, Ms. Naivalini expressed gratitude for the assistance they have been receiving from donors. She stated, “Our house was completely lost, and we couldn’t salvage anything. We appreciate the support from NGOs, religious organizations, overseas relatives, and everyone who has offered their help.”

She also noted, “We have been given some concrete blocks and are eager to start constructing our new home.”

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