Bamboo: The Future of Affordable Housing in Fiji?

A conversation about alternative building materials has emerged in response to escalating housing costs. The discussion focused on the potential of locally grown bamboo as a construction alternative capable of withstanding severe weather conditions, including category five cyclones.

Participants explored how bamboo could serve as a practical solution for affordable housing in light of surging real estate prices. Andrew Pene, director of the Department of Buildings and Government Architects, highlighted that the Fiji Bamboo project is paving a new path for the construction industry. He noted that it brings Fiji into line with advancements seen in other countries, enhancing technology and ideas for its use in housing and infrastructure.

Taniela Whippy, director of Forest Products, expressed his support for the initiative, noting its alignment with strategic development goals. He mentioned that the ministry is also considering non-forest timber products, with bamboo being a focal point. Whippy added that his team is prepared to engage in planned activities for the upcoming financial year.

The Fiji Bamboo Association emphasized the abundance of locally available bamboo resources that remain under-utilized. They asserted that the bamboo industry holds the potential to create jobs while also leading to the construction of stronger and more resilient buildings.

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