Bail Drama: Ex-Attorney General’s Medical Travel Application Withdrawn

Former attorney-general Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum has withdrawn his request to change bail conditions that would allow him to travel abroad for medical treatment. During a court appearance before Suva Magistrate Yogesh Prasad on an abuse of office charge, defense attorney Devanesh Sharma indicated he is exploring other options under the Bail Act for his client.

The charges against Sayed-Khaiyum stem from allegations that, while serving as prime minister two years ago, he signed a Deed of Variation and Addendum involving the then FijiFirst government and former supervisor of elections Mohammed Saneem. This deed reportedly approved a payment to Saneem without the necessary authorization from the Constitutional Offices Commission.

On June 19, Magistrate Prasad denied Sayed-Khaiyum’s request for a variation of bail, citing a lack of evidence indicating a medical emergency. Next Tuesday, Saneem will appear in court alongside Sayed-Khaiyum for a decision on the consolidation of charges.

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is expected to address two motions raised by Sharma regarding claims that actions taken by former acting DPP John Rabuku were invalid and violated Saneem’s human rights. Saneem faces accusations of receiving a corrupt benefit totaling $55,944.03 related to back pay from Sayed-Khaiyum.

The case has been postponed until August 20.

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