Audit Backlog: Task Force Sparks New Hope for Provincial Councils

Audit Backlog in Focus: iTaukei Affairs Board Takes Action

A notable backlog in auditing the Provincial Councils has been highlighted by the iTaukei Affairs Board during a recent presentation to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts. Sereana Matakibau, the Deputy Chief Executive of the Board, revealed that a specialized task force is currently working to address this backlog, ensuring the timely submission of financial statements.

Matakibau pointed out that this task force is operating out of the head office to oversee financial statement submissions until the backlog is fully resolved. She expressed optimism about their progress, suggesting that they are close to clearing the backlog. Once the situation is rectified, key performance indicators (KPIs) related to financial reporting will once again be managed by the Provincial Councils.

From 2019 to 2022, draft financial statements for seven Provincial Councils were forwarded to the Auditor General’s Office. Acting Assistant Auditor General Dineshwar Prasad confirmed that these statements have been received, although some required revisions before acceptance. To date, six of the seven reports have been processed, with opinions issued for two councils.

This initiative is part of a larger commitment to enhance accountability within local governments, echoed in recent discussions on financial reporting. The Auditor-General has previously noted satisfaction with the ongoing improvements in the financial accountability of Provincial Councils. Efforts are now in place to finalize outstanding accounts from 2019 to 2022 during this current financial year, with the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs playing a vital role in overseeing these developments.

There is an optimistic perspective surrounding the resolution of the backlog, as it not only seeks to bolster financial accountability but also promotes improved governance among the Provincial Councils. By embracing these reforms, there is a clear pathway toward enhancing financial transparency, which is essential for fostering public trust in local governance systems.


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